Tuesday, April 13, 2010

more new stuff

a lot of new stuff here, some published, some unfinished or unused, mostly from the past few weeks.
this one's for the room in hungary for a feature on erno rubik, out sometime this week i think.

gil scott-heron, did this a couple of days ago.

one of 11 images for a special edition of GQ japan, unfinished version, i'll upload the published version when i get it.

i've forgotten who this was for, nice project, an article about immigration laws i think.

a piece for GQ italy, out in a couple of months or so.

a dps for göoo in argentina, one of 3 images for them, their new issue should be out sometime soon.

editorial leftover

more stuff for gq japan, this version didn't make it to print.

this one's for Time Out, part of 6 images, should be out next week or the week after.

this one was in last sunday's observer.

more sketchbook stuff, this boy appears on the cover of wargames, published by penguin soon as far as i know