i'm off to san francisco tomorrow, so no charlie brooker illustration from me for a couple of weeks. i'll try to get some photos uploaded while i'm there, should be good. the lab101 show opens tonight, if you're near there, get over there, i'll be in LA from the 20th so i'll go along to see how it's going around that time.
meanwhile, here's one for the observer, out tomorrow.

this one was in last monday's G2.

..and one of these is going in the guardian this monday, although it's unlikely the pepsi logo will make it past the lawyers.

Your illustration creates a feeling that you were there, in front of your subject. Fine rich line, beautiful brushwork in these black shapes...nice texture in you whites...really nice work...I'd love to see the difference between the scanned drawing and the final artwork, after retouching in computer.
I'll be showing your work to my students.
I love your illustration and feel inspired from you.
I really can't resist to share my joy of your work! NICE. keep posting :))))
great work ;)
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